4001 Unable to refresh web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4002 Unable to put the document.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4003 Unable to put the web meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4004 Unable to Set the Recalculate Dependencies state.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4005 Unable to get web page meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4006 Unable to get web title.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4007 Unable to get web URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4008 Unable to prompt for open web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4009 Unable to remove web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4010 Unable to determine if the page is in the web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4011 Unable to get document.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4012 Unable to get web meta information.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4013 Unable to get page list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4014 Unable to put documents.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4015 Unable to cancel requests.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4016 Unable to open web.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4017 Unable to edit web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4018 Unable to show the To Do list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4019 Unable to hide to do list.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4020 Unable to get count of to do tasks.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4021 Unable to add to do task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4022 Unable to complete task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4023 Unable to complete task by URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4024 Unable to set status of task.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4025 Unable to set status of task by URL.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4026 Unable to ask user to add task.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4027 Unable to bring the Explorer to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4028 Unable to get the task name.\nError number: %1.\nError message %2.
4097 Unable to connect to target.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4098 Unable to read the page list after receiving it
4099 Unable to generate the event
4100 Unable to connect to target.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4101 Unable to read the page list after receiving it
4102 Unable to generate the event
4103 Unable to open web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4104 Unable to bring the editor to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4105 Unable to query the web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.
4106 Unable to open the page for the To Do List.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4107 Unable to create a new web page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4108 Unable to bring the page to the top.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4109 Unable to execute the get-document callback.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4110 Unable to drop the page.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
4111 Unable to get the active view.\nError number: %1.\nError message: %2.\n
32771 Create a new FrontPage Web
32772 normal
32773 msimport
32774 Find specified pages in the web.
32775 &Open Recent FrontPage Web
32776 &Open "%1"
32777 Specify how to create the new FrontPage web:
32778 Selected wizard: %1
32779 Show fee points\nFee points
32780 \_vti_
32781 Show meter points\nMeter points
32782 Show property sheet for selected item
32783 Warning: You are attempting to import an entire drive. This may take several minutes. Continue?
32784 To choose items from a remote drive, select a shared folder or subfolder on the drive.
32785 No files found to import.
32786 OK
32787 &Stop
32788 Show the To Do List\nShow To Do List
32789 Show the FrontPage Editor\nShow FrontPage Editor
32791 Verify hyperlinks for all pages in the current FrontPage web
32794 Open table of contents for help system.
32795 Search by keyword for help on a topic.
32798 Show the structure of hyperlinks in the current FrontPage web\nHyperlink View
32799 Show the list of folders and files in the current FrontPage web\nFolder View
32803 Refresh the views from the server
32805 Change settings for the summary view.
32807 Scale the hyperlink map to the window or full size\nScale hyperlink map
32808 Create a new web page.\nNew web page
32809 Open the selected page in the editor\nOpen selected
32810 Import existing files into the current FrontPage web
32812 Export the selected page to the file system
32813 Export the fee information for the web.
32814 Export the meter information for the web.
32815 Show or hide repeated hyperlinks\nRepeated Hyperlinks
32816 Show or hide hyperlinks inside pages\nHyperlinks Inside Page
32817 Show or hide hyperlinks to images\nHyperlinks to Images
32818 Change the settings of the current FrontPage web
32819 Configure editors for different file types
32820 Remove the selected item from the FrontPage web
32821 View and modify the access control permissions for the FrontPage web
32822 Rename the current web.
32823 Delete the current FrontPage web from the web server
32824 Close the current FrontPage web
32826 Add a task to the To Do List for the selected page
32827 Display instructions for how to use help.
32829 Change your password for the current FrontPage web
32830 Recalculate hyperlink information for the current FrontPage web
32831 Delete a hyperlink to the selected page.
32832 Open the selected page with a specified editor
32833 Publishes the current FrontPage web to a web server
32834 Configure proxy server settings for FrontPage.
32854 Change the security settings
32855 Check FrontPage web pages for spelling errors\nCross File Spelling
32856 Find words in FrontPage web pages\nCross File Find
32857 Create a new, empty folder
32958 Find and replace words in web pages\nReplace
32959 Rename selected item
32960 Product news and information on the Internet\nProduct News
32961 Visit the Microsoft FrontPage web site
32963 Move up one level in the Folder view\nUp One Level
32964 Show the Image Editor\nShow Image Editor
33446 Views Captionbar
33449 Show the hyperlink map view
33450 Show the list view
33451 All Hyperlinks:
33452 Hyperlinks for '%1'
33453 Contents of '%1'
33454 All Folders:
33455 Options
33460 Are you sure you want to delete "%1"?
33461 Permissions - %1
33462 Properties
33463 FrontPage Web Settings
33464 Version: %1
33465 There are no wizards or templates installed.
33466 Deleting this web is a permanent action. Once you delete \nthis web, there is no way of getting it back.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete the %1 web?
33467 Show To &Do List
33468 Add Name and Value
33469 Must enter a parameter name.
33470 The name <%1> is already defined.
33471 <Root Web>
33472 wtemload.exe
33473 There was an error when trying to run the wizard or template loader. The command: %1 failed.
33474 Unable to connect to the FrontPage Editor.
33475 You cannot delete a page that is external to the web.
33476 You cannot view properties of a page that is external to the web.
33477 Directories containing FrontPage Web configuration information will not be imported.
33478 Add File to Import List
33479 The information is incomplete:\nYou must fill in the Name, Password and Confirm Password fields. The password and confirmation fields must match.
33480 The IP address mask: %1 is already in the list.
33481 The name: %1 is already in the list of %2.
33482 Modify Editor Association
33483 Browse
33484 There was an error when trying to run %1. The command: %2 failed.
33485 There is no editor configured for %1 files.\n\nDo you want to save %2 to a file?
33486 The information is incomplete:\nTo change your password, you must fill in the Old Password, Password and Confirm Password fields. The password and confirmation fields must match. The new password must be different from the old password.
33487 Recalculating the web's hyperlink information is a process that runs\n on the web server. It can take as long as a few minutes.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with the recalculation?
33488 There are files remaining on the import list.\n\nDo you want to import these files before closing the web?
33489 Using this setting means that permissions for this web are inherited from the root web. \n\nYou can only maintain permissions for this web by using the root web. Administrators, authors and end-users of the root web have \n permission to use this web.
33490 Using this setting means that permissions for this web are independent of any other web. \n\nYou can set specific administrators, authors and end-users for this web.
33491 This operation requires administrator permission for %1.
33492 This operation requires author permission for %1.
33493 Export Selected As
33494 Copying the %1 web to %2
33495 The %1 web has been successfully copied to: %2.
33496 A more recent version of %1 has been saved to the server by %2.\n\nDo you want to replace this with your file?
33497 The file you submitted, %1, already exists. It was last modified by %2. \n\nDo you want to replace this with your file?
33498 Closing the current web...
33499 There is already an editor association for files of type %1.\nUse Modify to change the association for that type.
33500 %1 is already on the list of files to import.
33501 Standard
33502 The file: %1 already exists on the server.\nDo you want to replace this with your file?
33503 You have changed the settings for permissions.\nYou must apply this change before viewing the Administrator,\nAuthor and End-User permissions.
33504 Web Page
33505 Image File
33506 Text File
33507 Unknown File Type
33508 The wizard program %1\ndoes not support editing.
33509 This FrontPage web contains an out of date text index. Recalculate content for this web? (This may take several minutes).
33510 Some pages using Include WebBot Components are out of date. Recalculate content for this web? (This may take several minutes).
33511 This FrontPage web contains an out of date text index. Some pages using Include WebBot Components refer to out of date pages. Recalculate content for this web? (This may take several minutes).
33516 Permissions for this web are maintained externally from FrontPage.\nYou may view the permission settings, but you cannot change them.
33517 You cannot remove yourself from the administrator list for this web.
33518 %1 has been successfully exported to the file: %2
33519 Loading %1 web...
33520 Opening %1 web...
33521 Creating %1 web...
33522 Uploading web pages ...
33523 Uploading file %1 ...
33524 Adding web variables ...
33525 Adding to-do tasks ...
33526 Processing hyperlink information...
33527 The parameter name <%1> is a reserved name for web configuration. Please use a different name.
33528 The name "%1" is not a valid user or group.
33529 The name "%1" does not exist in the list of end-users.
33530 The file "%1" is not found in the current web.
33531 http://
33532 https://
33533 There are no external hyperlinks or broken internal hyperlinks in this web.
33537 The web server %1 must be manually restarted before proceeding.\nRestart the web server and press OK to continue.\n\n Press F1 for more information.
33538 The file: %1 already exists in the current web.\nDo you want to replace it?
33539 %1 Template
33540 %1
33541 This operation requires end-user permission for %1.
33542 Updating hyperlinks and text indices...
33543 This evaluation copy of FrontPage has expired.
33544 This evaluation copy of FrontPage will expire in %1 days.
33546 Status
33547 URL
33548 Linked From
33549 Scanning hyperlink information...
33550 Verifying: %1
33563 There are %1 pages that have hyperlinks to this page. \n\nDo you want to update these pages so that the hyperlinks will not be broken?
33564 localhost
33565 The changes you made in the Advanced Settings tab will take \naffect after the web is refreshed from the server.\n\nDo you want to refresh the web now?
33566 A file with the name, %1, already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace this with your file?
33567 images/
33568 Updating permissions...
33569 Retrieving permissions information from server...
33571 FrontPage found an error in the spelling files.
33572 Checking: %1
33573 Paused.
33574 &Resume
33575 Interupting...
33576 &Stop
33577 Finished checking pages.
33578 &Done
33579 Mispelled words: %1
33580 Fix misspelled words
33581 Explorer's Verify Spelling
33582 No spelling errors were found
33583 Added %1 tasks to the To Do List
33584 Found %1 misspelled words in %2 pages.
33585 Added 1 task to the To Do List
33586 Found %1 misspelled words in 1 page.
33587 Spelling errors found ... Adding task to the To Do List
33588 Status
33589 Page
33590 Count
33591 Check Spelling
33592 Mispelled words
33593 Found %1 occurrences of "%2"
33594 Page contains %1
33595 Explorer's Find Tool
33596 No occurrences were found.
33597 Found %1 occurrences in %2 pages.
33598 Found %1 occurrences in 1 page.
33599 Find occurrences of "%1"
33600 Creating folder '%1'
33601 %1 files, %2 folders
33602 Replace %1 occurrences of "%2" with "%3"
33603 Replace %1
33604 Explorer's Replace Tool
33605 Find occurrences of "%1"
33606 Found %1 occurrences in %2 pages; ready to replace with "%3"
33607 Found %1 occurrences in 1 page; ready to replace with "%2".
33608 "Renaming '%1' to '%2'"
33609 A name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n / \ * : ? # > < | "
33610 &Open
33611 Open &With...
33612 &Rename
33613 &Delete
33614 P&roperties...
33615 Show &Hyperlinks
33616 &Move to Center
33617 Broken Hyperlink: %1
33618 Included Page: %1
33619 Included Style: %1
33620 Embedded Image: %1
33621 Embedded Control: %1
33622 Secure Hyperlink: %1
33623 External Hyperlink: %1
33624 %1 Hyperlink: %2
33625 Hyperlink to Image: %1
33626 Internal Hyperlink: %1
33627 FrontPage cannot find the spelling file %1 for English.
33628 You must open a FrontPage web before saving a file.\nDo you want to open a FrontPage web now?
33629 Interrupting now may cause links to be broken. Are you sure that you want to interrupt now?
33630 Select the folder containing your web
33631 FrontPage needs to convert this folder into a new FrontPage web\nby adding the files and folders necessary to support FrontPage features.\n\nDo you want to convert this folder to a FrontPage web?
33632 This folder is already in a FrontPage web.\nDo you want to open the FrontPage web that contains this folder?
33633 You cannot open a web that already contains a FrontPage web. There is already a FrontPage web in a sub-folder of this folder.
33634 The folder "%1" does not exist.
33635 The changes you made in the Advanced Settings tab will take \naffect after the pages are recalculated on the server. This \nmay take several minutes.\n\nDo you want to recalculate the web now?
33636 Select a folder from the following list:
33637 Set FrontPage Explorer Options
33638 Browse
33639 Author and browse
33640 Administer, author, and browse
33641 Users
33642 Groups
33643 Computers
33646 Add %1
33647 Edit %1
33648 Recalculate Hyperlinks
33649 Check &In...
33650 Chec&k Out
33651 &Undo Check Out
33652 You have changed the source control project for this FrontPage web.\nThis change requires recalculating the web and can take as long as a few minutes.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with the change?
33653 %1\nThe file is under source control and has read only attributes.\n\nDo you want to check it out?
33654 %1\n%2 has this file checked out.\n\nDo you want to make a read only copy?
33655 Product Id: %1
33656 "Copying '%1' to '%2'"
33657 Confirm Copy
33658 _copy
33659 Move here\n&Move Here
33660 Copy here\n&Copy Here
33661 Convert to Web Format And Import\nCopy &Here as Web Format
33662 Cancel drag\nCancel
33663 Initializing files to import.
33664 Importing "%1"
33665 Converting "%1" prior to importing
33666 The current version of %1 is newer than the one that you have open in the FrontPage Editor. Do you want to replace your copy with the newer version?\n\nChoosing 'Yes' will cause you to lose any modifications that you have made to the file.
33667 All Files (*.*)|*.*|HTML Files (*.htm, *.html)|*.htm;*.html|GIF and JPEG (*.gif, *.jpg)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jff;*.jtf|Microsoft Office Files (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt)|*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt||
33668 Cu&t
33669 &Copy
33670 &Paste
33671 Version: %1 Beta %2
33672 OK
33673 Broken
33674 Edited
33675 To Do List
33676 Fixed
33677 ?
33678 Broken URL is %1
33679 Fix broken hyperlink
33680 Verify Hyperlinks
33681 Cannot create the folder, "%1".
33682 File Location:
33683 No server currently in use
33684 You cannot access the folder "%1" using a UNC path. Map a drive letter to the path and use the drive letter to access the folder.
33685 The folder "%1" is contained by a server-based Frontpage web.\nTo access this web you must use the http:// url for the web server.
33686 The folder "%1", does not exist. \n\nDo you want to create it?
33687 ..."
33688 Bookmark in: %1
33689 folder
33690 (unknown)
33691 New_Folder
33692 &Verify
33693 &Resume
33694 &Stop
33695 Executables
33696 Commands
33697 All Files
33698 Confirm Cancel
33699 Close Web
33700 (%1 task)
33701 (%1 tasks)
33702 The FrontPage web in folder "%1" was created by an incompatible version of FrontPage.
33703 <None>
33704 You have chosen to allow executable scripts or programs in this folder, so a web browser will not be able to browse files in this folder. You can make the folder browsable again by canceling the 'Allow scripts or programs to be run' selection.
57344 FrontPage Explorer
57345 For Help, press F1
57600 Create a new FrontPage Web \nNew FrontPage Web
57601 Open an existing FrontPage Web \nOpen FrontPage Web
57602 Close the active FrontPage Web \nClose
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the Summary view.\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Close the current FrontPage web and quit the FrontPage Explorer\nExit
57666 List help topics.
57667 List FrontPage help topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help.
57669 Show Context Help\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents